He's still my dad

"5-stars" - farhill post

The premier book in the soon-to-be released series by tawanna tynes

The premiere book in the series focuses on the relationship between a young boy and his incarcerated father. It places emphasis on no matter the location of a parent and his child, there is space for their bond to be solid and unbroken.

The common reality of having an incarcerated parent can diminish the child/parent relationship, due to the daily absence of a parent. With her own child, Ms. Tynes has experienced that if both parents, families, and friends, make it a priority to nurture the relationship between a child and their incarcerated parent, statistically children will benefit from having that strong relationship regardless of the situation.




What readers are saying

Quotation Mark

As a MHP who has worked in the Prison setting, I would recommend this book 100%. It is simple, straight forward, and to the point. It provides multiple scenarios that are important to the child, and what he/she would want to share with a parent.

Amber DelFavero Mental Health Professional

Quotation Mark

“He’s Still My Dad” is one of the most inspiring and powerful children’s books on the shelves. It depicts the love and trust between a young boy and his incarcerated father. It’s an easy read that mirrors real-life situations.

Crystal Cartwright Assistant Principal

Quotation Mark

You don't really see any children's books telling a true story of black single households. I appreciate you and proud of you for telling this story. It will definitely be influential to the black youth. I loved it, especially the creativity and imagery!

Elijah blue

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